Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) was established in September 1961 to provide facilities for higher education, research and extension in all the branches of agricultural sciences. Since its inception, BAU has been conducting both degree oriented (Master and Doctoral Programme) and non-degree (project-based) research activities. Initially, the management of both degree and non-degree research programmes of BAU was taken care of by the Committee for Advanced Studies and Research (CASR). With the passage of time, the number of degree research students had substantially been increased. The research fund allocations from Government of Bangladesh and International Agencies had also been increased simultaneously. Meanwhile, some funding agencies preferred to allocate fund separately for degree and non-degree research programmes. In addition, some International Agencies raised their fund for the development of BAU research. All these events and conditions led BAU research activities to gain a momentum creating enormous pressure on CASR, especially in ensuring proper administrative functions. Hence, BAU authorities had to think to reorganize and diversify its research administration. The degree research administration remained with the CASR, while the non-degree research management was vested on an institute (established through an Ordinance approved by the BAU Syndicate in its 161st meeting held on 30 August, 1984), named as Bangladesh Agricultural University Research System (BAURES). Since then, the project-based research activities carried out by the teachers of different faculties of BAU came under the direct management of BAURES.

  1. Vision and Mission of BAURES
  2. RAC
  3. GB of BAURES
  4. Organogram